t9 mobile hotspot not working

  • I put the Visible sim in a phone and get 45-50 mbps. All of a sudden the Roku's will not connect. If the Hotspot is plugged into a USB port, disconnect it. Ive downloaded a copy of the config file now as a backup, but the ssl commands arent working. Put R850 into the passwords instead of R717! TIA. Guess I need to factory reset and redo the unlock otherwise. Is there a way to fix it? Fuck that shit! Bottom line used https://jsfiddle.net/4zds6531/ for the SIM code unlock. It phones home to the following URL, with the following syntax:https://fota.pintracview.com/fota/T9/check_update.php?carrier=&rev=&imei=, So for example, my T9 was reporting to check_update.php?carrier=tmobile&rev=891 when it was on firmware revision R717F21.FR.891. So no wifi means a bad unit. I have dumps of all the partitions. $ tar cf [hotspot_cfg] [hotspot_cfg_2] < this includes hash/model/hotspot_cfg.tar IP Address I thought I looked through all of them, but I do not recall seeing it. Out of the box without letting it update, its on TMOHS1_0.04.18. Please try again in a few minutes. Some devices can be force downgrade flashed with direct eMMC writing. BTW, the default SIM PIN for GSMA is 1111, but it sounds like you cant even enter the PIN. Steps below: Edit XML config file Note this seems to work on firmware version 891 and below, but it may not work on newer firmwares. I also am not able to access the /hidden, /webpst, or /engineering menus. ServerAddress https://omadm.iot.t-mobile.com:443/omadm-server/dm12 Plus the device uses UBIFS as a file system, which is a whole other level of abstraction I had basically no knowledge of before a week ago. I picked up another T9 from ebay to test this but this one is stuck at 891 and i cant upgrade or downgrade it. But after it rebooted still the same issue I click on the Settings tab and I get prompted for a password and when I type in the one from sha1sum it fails. https://www.t-mobile.com/support/devices/mobile-internet/t-mobile-hotspot, Just in case for now it cant be sim unlocked even though the specs are similar between hotspot models. Ived tried classic cron denotion with times as well as @reboot and */ demotions, just some info i put together that will likely help someone, to add your own user/password Two things that have extended the life of the modem are: On the Coolpad, I found no such trick, but after calling Sprint several times, they gave me the MSL/password for my modem. I ended up cutting a piece of plastic to wedge between the inside of the case and the power button so its always pressed down. Many times, a simple hotspot restart will resolve issues with accessing the internet via a mobile hotspot. thanks again to the author of this thread this has been allot of fun playing with this. }. And I still cannot connect via SSH. The T9 has fastboot if you hold down the WPS button while turning it on. I just have to say this is wonderful timing! Youre using the -d flag which is for decryption. 1 Make sure you're in T-Mobile coverage and have at least 2 bars of signal in your area. 2 Verify that the Mobile Hotspot or Smartphone Mobile Hotspot feature is turned on. 3 Check that the connecting device Wi-Fi is turned on. 4 Update to latest firmware version for all devices. 5 Restart the Hotspot device or phone. More items Manually calling this URL with any outdated revision will link you to the latest OTA file, which is a .enc. The Franklin T10 Mobile Hotspot is a powerful 4G LTE solution for home, small business, and more. I am currently downloading FR.891 to see if a rollback works. Please read through the comments, there are multiple documented ways to generate your own unlock code. Thanks, My bad, i mistyped command. I figured out how to do some IMEI magic on the T9!!! 2. echo export TTL=65>>/etc/init.d/ttl.sh Most of you guys posting are way more talented geeks, but thanks to this thread I turned the free Test Drive Franklin T9 into a budget backup hotspot to cover gaps in the field and at home when the wired Internet and wifi crap out. Any ideas on how to reflash/reset? It has Port Forwarding configuration on it. they were right as i got it working again on a different phone. So can someone tell me: it is fully functional just stuck at 891. Is there a way to force change it via one of the DEV pages? Move to incremental OTAs, and SIGN THEM CORRECTLY. Hi, I received my unlock code but the web page is not allowing me to apply the unlock code. Cheers, Hello, my device version is 891 Is there an ability to root this device and trick it into tethering unlimited from a tmobile phone line sim ? Thanks! Just to share, here are the rules Im playing with: export TTL=66 If you can connect to the hotspot network fine but still can't connect to the internet, you may need to reset your network configuration settings, or temporarily disable the Windows firewall or your antivirus software. I can upgrade/downgrade the prepaid data plan as needed without carrying the extra expense of a voice/text plan or just activate/deactivate data service as needed. been poking at 2026. it seems they included both public and private keys for the settings file in the OTA. I have this working via ssh (by the way, the ssh option in engineering settings worked for me on 891). My firmware appears to be similar. Franklin T9 Hotspot Having the T9 at your fingertips will allow you to access LTE network for fast uploads and downloads. I have factory reset it by software and by physical button. One of the products of this company is the parental control application that was published under the name Aftapars. I have looked at the various hidden menus and did not see anything. Same with hidden and webpst. And would I upload as a backup restore on IT admin, or as a firmware upgrade on webpst page? It was updating software when I dropped it and the battery came out causing the device firmware update to fail. When I try to upload the firmware file from Mega, it uploads until about 20% and then errors out with the message Error occurred at file sending. Ive factory reset the device and tried both usb and wifi to upload but no luck. 2. chmod 755 /etc/init.d/bridgemac.sh Hi, Id like to request for the unlock code too. Should be ssh [emailprotected].0.1 then provided password works. Oh, and the page now redirects to 2. Get help with your T-Mobile Hotspot. Make sure airplane mode isn't enabled on your mobile device. Airplane mode will prevent an internet connection for both the phone and any device connected to it via the mobile hotspot. se Speedify to combine all your available connections at the same time. WHY CANT I https://mega.nz/folder/FJ8wWYAJ#Q1oUEtIUJrtjB1atkOAXrA. I would recommend NOT using the test-drive SIM if you plan to work with this device and unlock it etc. -shutdown / installed visible sim Also cant access hidden menu any longer due to OTA update to 2602! After unlocked and added APN, I can use my Verzion sim to enjoy LTE. This is a good test to make sure you aren't simply typing the wrong password to connect to the hotspot. I just got the T9 test drive device and found your post researching how to bandlock with it. It appears that the T9 may no longer be being sent out. 3. echo /usr/bin/copy_htdocs.sh eng >>/etc/init.d/startup.sh WebJust got a T9 Mobile Hotspot. Just to be clear does SIM Unlock mean I can then put an AT&T SIM in it? Can someone help figure out how to unlock it again? Send me an email and I will get it to you. I tried editing mobileap_cfg.xml but it doesnt let me go over 15. Have you been able to get around this somehow? How can I find other available connections? This means it has to have a working SIM! Get T-Mobile for Business Billing and payments Manage your account Orders and shopping Account Hub registration All business support topics. Help. We analyzed different products available online and put a List of Top Ten Best Hotspot Reviews. Issues with a connected mobile hotspot having no internet connection can occur in a number of ways. I am using a phone sim with 10 GB hotspot with no issue but to be capped at 50 GB would be nice. When I view boot log over UART, it throws an ELF verification error when verifying the boot loader, then drops itself into 900E mode. 5. echo /sbin/crond > /etc/init.d/crond.sh /var/volatile/www/htdocs/cgi-bin/webpst.imei_mac.cgi | awk /imei/{printf( substr($2,2,15) simlock)}|sha1sum|cut -c1-8, Perhaps i am missing something here. I was able to get the code through a Linux Machine since Mac didnt have the sha1sum package (at least on Catalina). Can you give me the procedure to kill the process for fota_app, and replace /usr/bin/fota_app with a bash script for an infinite loop and sleep? Thank you very much for your contributions. Im making a guide and posting it in a few days. So I made this edit and they pushed the latest firmware anyways. I removed your IMEI for privacy reasons, but your unlock code should be 4b3cce62. I dug a little bit but havent had any luck. Ive tried to just walk it back through the command prompt after successfully unpacking everything, but when I attempt to restore from the backup it fails. there is plenty of space. I am able to use the hotspot with sprint now, but have been unable to get the band priority table in hidden>Lte menu area to populate. Can you study how to unlock the new device? I searched everywhere in that tar file and cant find the hotspot_cfg.bin file to do the next step. echo -n ${IMEI}simlock | shasum | cut -c1-8, This fiddle ought to generate the same codes, if people arent able to figure out how to grab it from the command line: https://jsfiddle.net/4zds6531/, Thanks I worked all day never could get it.. you are the man. Thanks Chris, your work is awesome! these same images work on my other t9 so its weird i cant get them to work. and present you with the following options, FOTA Server settings 3) There is a screen on the r717, see attached photo (https://files.videohelp.com/u/61125/usage.jpg) that sets data usage limit. Mine got updated to 1131 and I could not enable SSH. Bastani is a game of guessing pictures and Iranian proverbs. IT admin page is asking for a password but the one provided here is not working. Incorrect Unlock Code All this time later and I cant figure out how to get the unlock code. And if set to unbranded/SKT from factory then the TMO/Sprint SIM_LOCK NV setting never gets set and theres never a SIM LOCK to remove. openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -d -md md5 -in R717F21.FR.1311_ota_update_all_sm.enc -out R717F21.FR.1311_ota_update_all_sm.tar -k frkenc##[emailprotected]. ServerID TMOFOTA1 hell most people here probably one one stuck at 891. (obviously the file isnt there) What am I doing wrong? One thing Id like to do is to make a set of iptables/ip6tables rules for TTL mangling permanent have you discovered any way to write these to the /data partition in a way that theyd get executed on every boot? Hello! Also very strange, when I entered the disable band screen using your MSL/password, the band priority now shows ,see attached photo (https://files.videohelp.com/u/61125/t9b.jpg). Once you ssh into the device, you can a) change the password by using the passwd command. Did you use the hard reset button on the back of the unit after you unlocked the device? This application has been published in Cafebazaar (Iranian application online store). If that doesnt work, just factory reset and try again, because that will set it back to the default admin:admin credentials. I use the R717F21.FR.891_ota_update_all.enc download from your mega drive, and update use the web page to restore from Backup use this file, but now I cant turn on the device, just the power button light is flashing. MAC Address _REMOVED_ Hi Tried above steps , generated the code it says below message . I would need the device to do that. is there an info page or command line tool to reveal band in use? Crapforgot what I set the admin password that defaults to admin to when I did this. Being up to date in the field of android and software development technologies is my most important priority. Or, just yell at us if that makes you happy. still works. HomeNetworking is a place where anyone can ask for help with their home or small office network. When I run the next command, it says this hotspot_cfg.bin: No such file or directory. entering following command should show pass: I tried both the IMEI based code and other passwords you called out in this page and none of that worked. Not sure about the special code though. It seems Franklin might have changed it. Im wanting to use one of the backup config files as a template to change SSID, password, device limit, etc. Also, check to ensure that the SIM card is installed properly in the SIM card slot and that it is not damaged or dirty. Has anybody figured out how to bypass the T-Mobile hotspot throttling on the OP8? its installed and appears to be running but i cant get anything i schedule (via crontab -e) to run. Each time the hard reset button is used, the device will need unlocked again. Is it normal to have the sim activated as soon as it is powered on? You can access these OTA files from this Mega Share. Hmm somehow my hotspot did OTA and was bricked, LCD gets stuck at WELCOME message and never even starts up the hotspot. Since the original config is TMO (with lock set), the SIM_LOCK NV value may be sticking despite the new unbranded/SKT/etc configs not using a SIM lock. I would like to not have to use an additional router to get more devices online. the is a network outage or some maintenance work done by the carrier. May just be as simple as zeroing it out to remove the lock not sure yet. Id imagine they would have changed the address the unit calls home to as well. Put the battery cover back and turn on the T9 by pressing the power button. By changing this setting on your hotspot you may match the band your computer is attempting to use when connecting. Please reply when u have it thank you I dont know how to get the code and dont want to mess up my pc trying to figure out how to get it. i am on firmware 891. If you find an EDL flashing method that works for you, I can get you a clean system.img if you still lack one (my current dump has a lot of my own personalizations). ServerPort 443 I have cycled power and removed the battery for extended lengths of time with no results. https://github.com/RayBB/franklin-t9-api. 4. chmod 755 /etc/init.d/startup.sh Whether it's a nearby public WiFi hotspot or a second cellular connection (preferably from a different carrier), Speedify helps you get uninerrupted and fast Internet connectivity. I normally connect my Laptop to the Internet via Dell HotSpot feature. It is in the normal WebUI (non of the hidden pages) under SIM settings. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I never activated it. On the phone, do a network reset. 1)update data profile and update prl But meh. Fi uses T-mobile towers, so it worked seamlessly. Do you know whats wrong on my side? [ 0.000000] ********************************************************** 2) when using your MSL/password, why does the band priority appear, when I use the html method, the band priority doesnt appear? Hello, my T9 is version 891. Another product of this company was an application related to the sms service system called Khooshe, which I was also responsible for designing and developing this application. By any chance was the password to updated as part of the changes you made? This was already referred to at the top of the article: Hardware Version 89527_1_11 2) disable one or more of 3 the bands Any link to datasheet? Required fields are marked *. Thank you for sharing. Enable mobile hotspot/tethering in your phones settings. Fortunately the new band priorities arent overwritten, but it worries me that in the future they may implement some kind of rollback protection as you suggest. Any other ideas for preventing the OTA from happening? 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